Monday, 21 January 2013

Jubilee Courts Interview

Whilst The Y Factor was in full flow around us, Bedge met up with Harry, Josh, Matt B and Fraser from Jubilee Courts in a plush, swanky Roadmender VIP lounge (just living the dream!) to discuss their future single, the remixes, and not wanting to dance around wearing fezzes on unicycles.

So you guys have got a new single out soon?

Yeah, we're going in to record it later this month with James Bagshaw from Temples and then that's going to be launched around April time. We've also got a couple of people doing remixes for the B-Side as well: we've got Decibels that are going to do a remix, we're talking to Joshua Ryan about doing one, and also a house DJ called Hotwax as well. It's going to be all the different sides of the song that they'll be influenced by.

We don't know what label we're going to release it on yet though. We've been talking to a few people but we're probably going to release it off our own label and do it ourselves. We'd love to work with labels obviously - who wouldn't? - but then we've got to keep ourselves to ourselves as well and don't want to get moulded. We want to go with whatever label isn't going to make us wear fezzes and dance around on unicycles!

Is there going to be a music video?

Yeah, we've got Ace Cream who did the Decibels video for Regulator-Moderator doing that. We want it to be dark. Mysterious. Mischievous. But truthful - we don't want it to be filmed in a warehouse or something like that. Show the meaning of the song.

What other releases have you done?

We've done a demo, that was put out about a year ago. It was just rough when we very first started to get us gigs and meet people and stuff like that. Now we find ourselves writing material that's ready to be released as singles and ready to be up there. We've got a lot of people now as well, just try and get your name out there, do the best you can and just see what you've got.

We've been playing live shows as well. There was a Big Noise gig a couple of weeks ago, I thought that was a good gig, but we've got plans for the future. We've got quite a few gigs in London so hopefully we're going to break out of Northampton and get into that scene a bit more. We're going to lay off Northampton for a while because we want to be like that cousin you haven't seen in ages and then they come back and you're like "What have you been up to? Blimey you've changed!"

Anywhere else you'd like to play?

We want to do uni tours really: Sheffield, Manchester, Brighton... we'll play wherever people want the music. It's all about getting everyone into the room and understanding what we're doing because at the start people would come and they'd go "Look at this band, what are they trying to do?" But now you get people and they're all there for the same reason. And that's why you do it really.

Ever had any gig fiascoes?

At the start we used to throw our kit around at the end of the set. Took a little chip out of the Labour Club wall!

So what are your hopes for the future?

It's getting to the point where we can play live a lot more. We just want to play to more people. When you say about getting bigger it's not being able to boast where you've got to it's about having more like-minded people coming and watching you. It's been a struggle getting it out there though, there aren't many "real bands" around any more because everyone's fallen into this money-making trap. It's like we're on the cusp of a new wave. We just need to kick them in the balls!

And finally, if you had to sum up the band in five words what would they be?

Five words? We couldn't even come up with two. Dank. That's the genre. Just dank. It's the mind, it's the sound, it's the people. Dank is real. Dank is... Jubilee Courts.

Well dank you for the interview, fellas. And keep your eyes peeled for their new single coming out in a couple of months. But if you can't wait until then and want to hear what this new wave kick-in-the-balls sounds like already make sure to head to the following links:


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